I am not going to apologize to Chelsea fans – We deserved defeat – It was the most deserved one – Wins only come with performance “Lampard Say”

I am not going to apologize to Chelsea fans – We deserved defeat – It was the most deserved one – Wins only come with performance “Lampard Say”

Later, Lampard remarked, “It was the one that was most due. I believe that right now, performance is more important to discuss than losses. Only through performance do wins happen. That was the least impressive performance-wise because we were soundly defeated in the fundamentals of the game. We should give a lot of credit to Brighton because they are a wonderful team and can compete at that level against just about everyone in the league.

But we were lacking. You won’t win games if you are a yard short, a tackle short, or miss a fighting duel opportunity. You need to have both the capacity and the desire to accomplish that, and right now we’re falling short and need to fast improve.

“I don’t think it’s my place to talk about where it came from; I think my place is to try to swiftly figure it out and correct it. We don’t have the training time we need, despite the fact that we feel as though we do. The response must reflect what we see on the field, especially with Tuesday approaching. We may have a brief break following Tuesday before Brentford.

“Sprints, recovery runs, getting up to people, and recovering are things that are essential in a Chelsea performance at Stamford Bridge versus Brighton, who can play. Then, once you’ve got the initiative, stick to the principles you want to uphold. We left there today and found that the capacity wasn’t there. Since I’m here for this time period and it’s my work, I should get into it. My responsibility is to acquire as many or as much progress as I can. Our performance today shows that we have work to do.

In response to a query regarding the players’ mentality, Lampard added: “A hard one to divide up. There will be various components through each person. I believe that being physically fit takes work, and being a top team without a doubt requires being among the league’s physically fittest teams. That is something we must all strive for, both individually and collectively.

“We need to be there for the guys mentally because I’m in it right now with them. I’m also in charge of it. This is one individual to go around the group since a strong group only has its members as individuals. For the past 20 years, that has been the club’s history.

“For whatever reason, some current changes may have mitigating circumstances. It cannot be a justification. Simply fighting against it will enable you to achieve your goals. It is evident from the performance today. I won’t dress up today’s performance. The players probably wouldn’t want me to do that. Since I can see that the players in that room have skill, I’m not leaving them hanging. We lacked those extras today because it’s the Premier League, and you need to have them.

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